Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Enough is Enough!!!

Thank you for visiting our blog and thank you for your continued support.  Despite Robert Sher's vehement denial, we are getting closer and closer to the election that will let us, the homeowners, determine the future of Cedar Run.  Don't let Sher fool you......this election WILL HAPPEN SOON, long before August of 2015.

Tired of all the bickering back and forth?
We are too!!  We're tired the same baseless accusations and falsehoods that Sher continues to spew.  We'd gladly reply to each and every one of them, but truthfully, homeowners are simply tired of reading point after point, counterpoint after counterpoint.  For those disgusted with the process and not sure who to believe, this Blog's for you!!!

It all boils down to this.  Who is a more credible source of information?  Robert Sher or the seemingly anonymous authors of this blog?  We feel that history should thoroughly answer this question.

In the summer of 2012, Robert Sher literally promised homeowners a 50% reduction in the assessment with no loss of services.  He promised that he would make our construction loans go away.  He promised transparency and checks & balances.  He insisted that he had no interest in managing Cedar Run and that he was merely serving as a volunteer to 'save the community'. These are only a few of the grandiose promises or claims made by Sher.

How many of the above turned out to be true????  That's right...NONE!!!

Here we are two years later, paying more for our total assessment and getting less (See our 2013 blog entry on insurance).  The grounds look like a weed farm. We've endured two winters of short-staffed, poorly equipped snow removal service.  We're on our forth parking program and our third round of being forced to register our cars - in just two years (last time was only about six months ago).  No pool for a whole summer, still no pool one month after Memorial Day.

We are trapped in endless lawsuits (see our previous blog entry on this topic).  The construction loans have certainly not gone away.  In fact, they've grown as a result of all the lawsuits.  Sher has now flip-flopped on the loan topic, now talking about plans of paying them down instead of fighting them (where were those plans two years ago??).  Sher continues to cut off our collective nose to spite our face.....continuously & unjustly shifting costs and responsibilities to the phase associations.

With Sher and Shaw being on the payroll for two years now, they've certainly become quite comfortable with the supplemental income that they enjoy as members of the "oversight committee".  Now that their positions are being challenged and their livelihood is at stake, they will use any means necessary to preserve the income they now enjoy.  It's no wonder that things have gotten so ugly and that Sher is desperately trying to scare homeowners from supporting his opposition.  Sher's motivation is purely out of self-interest, and that speaks volumes about his credibility.

Uncovering the Truth
We, the authors and contributors to this blog have shown you Sher's true colors, and we've backed up everything with facts and solid evidence.
  • We showed you the check images that undeniably proved that Sher was being paid from day one and how he used our money to finance his campaign.  Sher took legal action (and lost) against anyone he suspected of helping us obtain these subpoenaed check images.
  • We've shown you check images to prove that the Master Board has been subsidizing phases 5 & 10 to give the illusion that their assessments are lower.
  • We showed you the bogus bylaws that Sher tried to pass off in order to secure his employment and justify his dictator-like powers (which he never showed to a single homeowner, let alone let them vote on its adoption).
  • We've been transparent about what we intend to do with your signed petition and/or proxy, and we've made our plans very clear.  And NO, Alma is NOT part of these plans.
  • We've reported/relayed any pertinent information submitted to us by homeowners to keep everyone in the know.
Ask yourself the following questions:
  • Does a well-run association need to send out mailings to constantly tell you what a great job it's doing?  Shouldn't the results be self-evident?
  • Does strong leadership mean constantly "passing the buck" and blaming your predecessors, even two years later?
  • Should a "self managed" association pay $30,000+ more in direct management costs than a professionally manage one?
  • Is it in Cedar Run's best interest to defy the Village of Wheeling's ordinances, constantly rack up fines & violations, and agitate village officials?
  • Does a good leader make impulsive legal decisions (like picking a fight with the banks) without first investigating the consequences?
  • Should a board of Directors delegate virtually all of its authority to four members of one family (R. Sher, B. Shaw, A. Shaw, J. Shaw), who only represent one of Cedar Run's 408 condo units??
  • Does an honest leader conceal the fact that he is being paid for over a year, then try to sue/depose/punish those that exposed the truth?
The answers to the above questions are key to helping you decide whether you stand for or against Robert Sher's regime.  Remember - credibility is key!  The election will be upon us before we know it, and it's important to decide how you plan to exercise your right to vote as a homeowner.

It's time to turn the page and move on from the angry tirades, temper tantrums, and fictional conspiracy theories that Sher sends us with every newsletter, notice or announcement.

We encourage all homeowners, whether offsite investor-owner or owner-occupant, to unite together for the common cause of delivering a responsible, inclusive, volunteer-based board of directors.  Please visit our "How to Take Action" page for details and on how you can help our cause for the greater good of Cedar Run's future.

Let's End This Madness Together!!
Let's Restore Cedar Run!!

Questions and comments are always welcome!!
email: restoreCR@gmail.com
Voicemail or text: (224) 544-9058

PS - We will be at the so-called "Annual Meeting" on Thursday 6/26/2014.  Come on out and chat with other Concerned Homeowners about 30-45 min before the meeting starts.  Proxies and petitions will be on-hand.


  1. the pool will soon be open plus hot dogs Robert did everything to get the pool open for us plus he's buying hot dogs for us what a great guy after all ?Robert and his team also worked endless hours to allow home owners a parking system wow Roberts a great guy home owners he did more than Alma remember the old masterboard had 14 years of JOHN ZINK ,SHERI GREENBERG that didnt do any repair to the broken down pool that leaked 1000s of gallons at home owners cost lets give Robert a chance after all he did obey the courts order not to mention the health department ENJOY THE POOL AND A HOT DOG if you see Robert THANK HIM !

    1. Thank you for your comment. All opinions are welcome here, whether you agree with us or not. But just a few things we must point out in response to your comment:

      Hot dogs - Sher is not 'buying us hot dogs' out of generosity. He is using our money to do this, just as he has with all the parties and 'fun nights' at the clubhouse. Is this an appropriate use of homeowners funds?

      Leaks - According to Sher's speech at the last meeting, he has opted to NOT fix the leak, claiming it was too risky and costly. Did he reverse his position and fix the leak? Was it not as risky/costly as he once claimed?

      Parking system - It hasn't even been fully revealed or implemented yet. Perhaps we should hold off on celebrating its success until we've had some experience with it...just sayin'

      Court Order - Not sure which court order you are referring to (there are many). If you're talking about the bank case, he is still in contempt. If you're talking about the case about annual meetings (elections), the judge will soon decide if he is in compliance.

      Nonetheless, thanks for reading and commenting on our blog.
