Friday, July 7, 2017

Cedar Run Events for July 2017

Mark the Calendar!

Cedar Run HOC Board meeting
July 12, 2017 7PM
These meetings take place 2nd Wednesday of every month at the Cedar Run clubhouse.  Homeowners are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Attending these meetings is the best way for homeowners to know what is happening with board business.  Every meeting will include a homeowner forum (usually after board business), which is a great time to ask questions or provide feedback for the board.

Cedar Run Community Garage Sale
July 21-23, 2017
All residents are welcome to participate.  A banner will be posted near the entrance off McHenry Rd the week before.  Event will also be publicized in Facebook.

Cedar Run Summer BBQ & Pool Party
July 28, 2017
Join your neighbors for a pool party, complete with a DJ spinning tunes.  Burgers & hot dogs will be provided, but residents are welcome and encouraged to "Tailgate" around the pool and clubhouse and share food with friends & neighbors.  This is a great opportunity for neighbors to get acquainted and have some fun!  Wheeling Police and Fire Department have been invited as well.

National Night Out
August 1, 2017
More details to be posted soon.  Cedar Run will be observing National Night Out.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Cedar Run HOC Election 5/10/2017


The Cedar Run Homeowners Corporation (aka Master Board) will conduct its annual meeting (and election) on May 10th, 2017.  It is vitally important that as many homeowner participate as possible.

Reason #1: Without homeowner participation, it is less likely to see directors elected who meet the needs and preferences of the community.
Reason #2: If there aren't enough homeowners participating to constitute a quorum (approximately 82 homeowners, i.e. 20%), there can be no election.  The meeting will need to be rescheduled and repeated until a quorum is reached.

How many director seats are up for election/re-election?
Four of the twelve seats are up for election/re-election.  Four homeowners have nominated themselves to fill these positions, but there will likely be others who will nominate themselves from the floor of the actual meeting.

Why another election already?
The last Master Board election was held in August 2016 based on a court order.  It was a special election with the purpose of electing a board to take control of the association at the end of receivership.  The timing had more to do with certain legal milestones that had to be cleared.  Cedar Run HOC's bylaws still require an election of four directors each year in May despite the recent special election.  They will continue to occur in May each year.

I'd like to vote, but I cannot attend on May 10th.  How can I participate?
You can participate via proxy.  The proxy has two options. One option allows you to choose the nominated candidates for whom you'd like to cast your vote.  The second option is to delegate an individual to vote on your behalf at the meeting. If you are a faithful follower of this blog and would like to support candidates who support the core values mentioned in this blog, please email us at

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Cedar Run Update 4/27/2017

Based on requests from Cedar Run homeowners, this blog post serves as a brief, UNOFFICIAL update of the HOC board's progress.

New Management
Beginning June 1st, 2017, all Cedar Run associations will be under the management of Associa Chicagoland.  Homeowners will still need to make two separate payments for HOC and Phase, and will have two different account numbers.  The HOC and phases will explore the options of reverting to a single assessment payment.  The earliest this could happen would be November 1st, 2017.

New Manager's on-site hours
The property manager that has been assigned to Cedar Run by Associa will maintain office hours at the Cedar Run clubhouse.  Currently, those hours are Monday and Wednesday from 3PM to 5PM and Friday from 12PM to 4PM.  The on-site staff will continue to maintain the same hours as they have in the past.

Cedar Run website and account access is now live and is gradually being updated with new information.  This is where you would go for official news and information on Cedar Run.  There, you can also click the "login" link and setup to view your payment history, make work order requests, and several other features.  You will need your account number to register.  For the time-being, you will need to setup a separate login for HOC and phase accounts.

Cedar Run/Associa Vehicle decals
Management staff and on-site staff will now be using magnetic decals while driving around the property to do their work.  This is a safety measure to help residents identify the vehicles, especially in cases where the vehicles drive slowly through the property.

Cedar Run HOC Annual Meeting
The HOC annual meeting will take place on May 10th, 2017.  Four board member positions will be filled.  Nominations are no longer being accepted, but interested candidates can nominate themselves from the floor at the meeting.  All homeowners are strongly encouraged to attend or participate via proxy.

Phase annual meetings are generally held in the month of May.  However, some phases may need to delay their meetings to June of July due to complications with the management transition as it relates to sending proper notice.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Cedar Run Update

Apologies to all who have followed this blog regularly and faithfully.  For multiple reasons, we have not been updating it as regularly as we once have.  Enough new information has come to light, and a much-overdue update is necessary.

Cedar Run HOC Management
On 12/14/2016, the board of directors for the Cedar Run Homoewoners' Corp. (aka Master Board) elected to choose Associa Chicagoland as its new management company, effective March 1st, 2017. Beginning on March 1st, they will take over all management responsibilities for the HOC.  All concerns previously handled by HHSG will then be the responsibility of Associa.

Cedar Run Phase Management
The phase association were a major consideration in the HOC's management search and selection of a management company.  Associa has provided proposals and contracts to all phase boards, and each of the eleven boards must decide whether to sign with them.  If your phase board decides to pursue this, they will need to conduct a meeting, which would be open to all homeowners in each respective phase.  Please be on the lookout for a mailed meeting announcement.

It is also understood that both the HOC and phase associations will receive a substantial discount on their management fees if they are all managed by Associa.  That said, it is still an individual choice that each board must make.  Nothing can be mandated by the HOC or any other party.

Summary of 2/8/17 Meeting
Representatives from Associa Chicagoland attended the HOC board meeting on 2/8.  They introduced themselves to the board and homeowners and spoke about the management transition process. The property manager that Associa has assigned to Cedar Run was present at this meeting, and she spoke to many homeowners.  She is bilingual (English-Spanish), and she spoke to owners in both languages.

Future Updates
While this blog may not be updated as regularly as before, there are other information sources that Cedar Run owners are encourage to use.

Cedar Reader
This is a concise , one-page newsletter produced by an HOC board member that is generally sent out monthly.  Topics usually include updates and announcements, a breakdown of how your assessment dollars are spent, and a friendly reminder of certain rules. You will often find it as an attachment to your monthly HOC statement.  Be sure to open the envelope with your monthly statement, and you may find the Cedar Reader, which will be printed in both English and Spanish.

Meeting Minutes
Any Cedar Run homeowner has the right to view meeting minutes from past board meeting.  These minutes are very concise, but contain all the pertinent information on any decision the board makes.  They are a quick, easy read, and probably the best way to be fully informed about HOC activity and rules.  Requests for the minutes can be made to management.  Given that we are now in a management transition, owners may consider waiting until after March 1st before requesting minutes.

Do also understand that the latest minutes you receive will be from the past month.  This is because the minutes must be approved by the board at the following board meeting.

Coming soon - Cedar Run Official Website
Part of the Associa management agreement includes the creation and management of an official Cedar Run HOC website.  This may take a few months before going online, but it will be a great resource for official announcements that are approved by the board. This blog has no official affiliation to the HOC or any other board.  The board may choose to make meeting minutes and other documents readily available for homeowners to view.

Also Coming Soon - Volo Village Alerting Service
Associa will be providing an alerting service that can push email announcements, robocalls, and text messages to Cedar Run owners for instant announcements.  This service will be especially useful in announcing emergencies or important information with short notice.  It will be up to the HOC board to decide what types of alerts or announcements will use this service.  Homeowner feedback will be welcome, and anyone can choose to opt out.

As always, Thanks for reading the Blog!

Feel free to address any questions, comments or concerns to the blog admin at