Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Statement from Candidate Rob Schulman

The following statement was written by Robert (Rob) Schulman, candidate for the 8/4 election, who recently co-wrote and sent a postcard to all Cedar Run homeowners.

Any admin comments added below will be in BLUE.

Dear Homeowners,

Thank you for taking the time to read my statement, and thank you  to the blog crew for allowing me to post it here.

It has been nearly FOUR YEARS since Cedar Run had its last Master Board election!  But we are finally rounding the corner to August 4th, when we can vote in a new board that will make important decisions about the future of our community.

We've spent about 18 months in receivership and had a majority of our funds depleted as a direct result of irresponsible, impulsive, self-serving decisions and the legal ramifications of those decisions.  These decisions were made by Robert Sher and Jack Shaw, and ratified by a board of directors who were fooled into thinking they were doing good or were bullied into submission.

I could ramble on for days about all that was done under Sher and Shaw, but here are just a few highlights:
  • ILLEGAL & improper collection of phase assessments that resulted in unprecedented delinquency rates and a collection crisis that got several homeowners evicted.
  • Creation of ILLEGAL bylaws that benefited Sher & Shaw and a few others, while giving a raw deal to Cedar Run homeowners. [Admin comment:  These Bylaws can be viewed by clicking HERE]
  • Signing of an ILLEGAL contract, that guaranteed Sher and Shaw would stay on the payroll for 8 YEARS!!  [Admin comment:  This contract can be viewed by clicking HERE]
  • About a dozen lawsuits (including the one that landed us in receivership) that have cost well over a quarter million dollars of homeowner money thus far to settle.
  • All the IRS problems, payola & graft, accounting blunders, and outrageous incompetence outlined in the 30 page accounting report. [Admin comment:  The FR&R report can be viewed by clicking HERE]
  • Multiple newsletters, clubhouse presentations, and other propaganda that slandered ME and anyone else who would dare to criticize or question Sher, Shaw, or the board's actions.
  • To top it off, WE PAID THESE CLOWNS about $170 grand for their services!! [Admin comment: "these clowns" were paid $168,920.55 to be exact]
Now that we have an election, it is vitally important that we learn from the past and make Cedar Run the best it possibly can be.

I stand with my fellow candidates (who also contributed to the cost of the postcards), Jan Kurtz and Jim Hartmann.  I also stand with ANY of the other candidates (be they nominated or write-in) who share my vision to Restore Cedar Run and believe in the following ideas:
  1. Cedar Run must be professionally managed by a qualified company that will provide the service we deserve and a good value.  Homeowner input and feedback is vital in making this happen.
  2. The board must strictly follow the law and not ignore the law when it is convenient or cheaper to do so (which was commonplace in the Sher/Shaw group).
  3. The board needs to be transparent, allowing homeowners to witness and participate in all board meetings.
  4. Cedar Run needs to be clean, orderly, and have clearly established (and enforced) rules, including those that cover rental of units, parking, noise, etc.
  5. An ALL VOLUNTEER board, where no directors are paid.

That said, I condemn ANY candidate whose agenda is to defend the above actions taken under the Sher/Shaw regime and who plans to revert back to them.  MOST KNOW OF WHOM I SPEAK!

You can help ensure that a responsible board is elected by printing, filling out, signing, and returning a proxy that I will use to ensure we end up with a responsible board that will MOVE US FORWARD and make sound decisions, with NO OTHER AGENDA and NO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.

I hope I can count on your support and your vote to help make Cedar Run better than ever!!

Thanks for reading,


A Proxy form for candidate Rob Schulman can be found by clicking HERE.

Feel free to scan & email the signed proxy to
Click HERE for other options for returning your signed proxy.

 We will ensure that Mr. Schulman receives all proxies sent to us, and we will pass along any questions, comments, or inquiries you may have for him.

Other candidates are welcome and encouraged to submit statements that they'd like published on the blog. 

Lastly, feel free to call or text the
 (224) 544-9058


  1. And why should I( my family and I own and manage 27 units in Cedar Run)vote for you exactly? What is your plan not to "blame" but do for quick recovery? So far, from what I read I am not convinced that you or any other candidates are suited for a job. Why exactly you personally applying for this position? What is it in this election for you, personally? How can I and other homeowners be sure that you along with other candidates will not miss-use,miss-manage our money?! thanks

    1. Do you feel better suited? Are you on the ballot? You own and manage 27 units...what do you want from a new Master Board? I want leaders that are going to listen to all and not just a certain group..Leaders, that have No Financial gain from being on the board, Leaders that will allow all unit owners in good standing to see all financial reports and attend all Master Board meetings. Leaders that will pull together and stop pointing fingers at one other and work together for all of Cedar Run! There is candidates on the ballot that feel the same....if you want answers, go to the election and ask! Resident of Cedar Run for 29 years, not running for the board due to I could not fully dedicate myself to be at every meeting.

    2. I get don't know me from Adam, so why the heck should you vote for me?

      I am glad you asked, although I'm not sure I could win you over in the comment section without writing a 90 page thesis. So I'll try and make it short & sweet. I encourage you to engage me directly by emailing the blog crew and asking for my contact info.

      I don't believe in using "blame" as a substitute for action. No matter who (if anyone) is at fault for a problematic situation, a true leader believes in a "buck stops here" mentality, and does their best to make the right decisions for the good of the community.

      As for my plan, I can only speak for me and not the 11 others that will serve on the board with me if I am elected. Again this is very general.

      Step 1: Identify the most pressing issues and prioritize them by importance.
      Step 2: Take the top issues and identify possible solutions and prioritize those solutions based on feasibility and potential impact.
      Step 3: Implement the top solutions, seeking professional guidance where necessary.
      Step 4: Rinse and repeat steps 1 through 3....

      My point is that being on a board is an ongoing responsibility that involves constant problem-solving and frequent re-evaluation.

      Most already know some of the most pressing needs which include:

      -Deciding what to do in the near term and long term about management.
      -establishing rules, including parking, rental regulations, etc.
      -Ending any and all lawsuits.
      -Deciding what items to budget for in FY 2017 budget

      What's in this for me? The same that's in it for you....the opportunity to have a community that is safe, clean, well-managed, financially sound, orderly (with clearly worded and consistently enforced rules), inclusive, transparent and fair...just to name the first several that come to mind.

      I want to see property values go up at the same pace as other similar communities (Cedar Run is lagging FAR behind). I want the best value for my assessment dollar. I want to see measures taken to reduce and deter crime. I'd like to see unified management for the property.

      As for managing money, I've served on 2 phase boards for about four years now. I've been reelected at least twice for each position. I am happy to say that both of my phases are financially sound, despite the worst delinquency and legal crisis in our entire history. We've been audited by CPA's to ensure there has been no misuse of homeowner funds, and we've been squeaky clean every time. There is still work to be done on the phase side as well (plenty of rinsing & repeating). I have some plans there which I am not ready to announce on a public website, but they are inextricably linked to having a responsible, elected master board.

      Anyway, so much for "short & sweet". I don't know if my answers have persuaded you to send your 27 votes my way, but I'm happy to answer any question or concern you might have. Get in touch with me if you like, or come to the meeting, early, and we can talk.

    3. FYI, for some reason, Mr. Schulman's comment got moved to spam by the automatic spam filter (not sure why).

      Comment has been restored. Sorry everyone for the confusion.


  2. 1st of all I want to thank the ''receiver'' for all the hard work this complex looks like a county club 18 months ago a complex that was a disaster. that said I want tnow what would one gain from being on board ?maybe when a complaint on 'YOU'' cause you don't have a vehicle in your garage THE BOARD will do NOTHING CAUSE YOUR A BOARD MEMBER! maybe your the slumlord with window air conditioners read the rules no window a/c units? btw you want votes go door to door and properly introduce your self than the we sent out cards in the mail ? homeowners wake up, btw I don't guess I no the answer? ITS THE $$$$$$ !wake up home owners ''DO NOT SIGN ''

    1. Umm first of all, I have and will continue to speak to homeowners face-to-face, introduce myself, and discuss issues. The postcard was a way to reach more people and start a dialogue.

      Directors on the board are not paid (it's the law). They were paid under the Sher/Shaw regime, but that's partly why we're in receivership.

      Window unit A/C's, gaming the parking rules, etc. are exactly what I mean when I talk about the need to restore order (read my comment above).

      Board members shouldn't and won't get any special treatment if I have anything to say about it. I haven't allowed it to happen in my phases and I'll do everything to prevent it if elected to the HOC board. I have no tolerance for conflicts of interest.

    2. There will always be "trolls" in a comment section that allows people to comment anonymously. I admire your efforts in replying to this one, but I wouldn't expect something substantive to come out of it.

  3. If you feel none of the candidates are qualified, run for the board yourself! Sad to say, I know for a fact ( no names mentioned ), some of the candidates worked under or backed up Sher/ Shaw, who are no longer in power, but still are costing Unit owners money, by their lawsuits! I urge all homeowners and renters to come to The Clubhouse this Thursday night August 4th for The Masterboard election, and listen to the candidates, ask questions, voice your concerns. Without all of us,Cedar Run will continue to struggle.

    1. Four years ago, a great number of Cedar Run owners took a leap of faith by supporting Robert Sher....for a variety of different reasons. Personally, I was skeptical from the very start about his grandiose claims & promises, and I did not support him......EVER!

      This does NOT make me morally or intellectually superior to anyone else who took a chance on supporting Sher at that time. If I outright condemned anyone who EVER supported Sher in any way, I'd be alienating a good portion of the community.

      I believe that Cedar Run homeowners have woken up and smelled the roses, and they now know that "The Robert Sher Experiment" had been a miserable failure from day one.

      That said....of those on the ballot who were once in the Sher/Shaw camp, ONLY ONE is STILL a stalwart supporter. (again, no names mentioned) Despite all that has happened, it appears that this candidate is STILL drinking the Sher/Shaw Kool-Aid and has an agenda that reflects this.

      Of the others on the ballot (at least those I've spoken with), they are totally aware of what a disaster we've had on our hands, much better informed than they were four years ago (we ALL are, thanks to THIS BLOG), and totally committed to starting Cedar Run on a new, responsible path.

      I'll conclude by saying that the one stalwart supporter (the Kool-Aid drinker) is the ONLY candidate that was ever on the payroll under Sher/ the tune of $18K plus!
