Monday, August 18, 2014

Sher's July & August 2014 'Newsletters'

Three days after receiving Mr. Sher's August 2014 'Newsletter', Cedar Run homeowners received another mailing from Sher, labeled as the July 2014 'Newsletter'.  We won't even try to understand this one.....but this is just another sign of what a classy operation Sher is running.

The tone of desperation in these letters should give you a good idea of how confident Robert Sher is in his performance as a property manager.  He knows that an election is inevitable despite his insistence to the contrary. He also knows that there is a very real threat of him losing such an election, thanks to the mobilization of Concerned Homeowners.

While we realize most of you are fed up with the back & forth accusations, rebuttals, arguments for and against x, y, or z policy......There are many outlandish statements in these mailings that we cannot leave without a reply.

In the coming days, we will post a fully reply to the lies and accusations contained in Sher's two mailings.  But for now we will leave you with a few points to ponder after reading the letters.


  1. These mailings are not 'Newsletters', as they contain no actual news (aside from a small portion of the parking information in the August mailing).
  2. The mailings are actually best described as CAMPAIGN ADS supporting Robert Sher.  Moreover, they are NEGATIVE ATTACK ADS, attempting to defame and demonize anyone who has or does openly oppose Robert Sher in any way.
  3. These mailings are printed on high quality, full-color glossy paper....professionally printed, bound, and mailed to all 408 homeowners by an out-of-state vendor.
  4. We estimate the combined cost of these two 'newsletters' as anywhere from $3000-$5000, all paid from Cedar Run homeowners' funds.
  5. Like it or not, by simply paying assessments, all 408 Cedar Run homeowners are essentially contributing members of a Robert Sher SuperPAC.
How does that feel??

We've touched on this before, but we will reiterate this same point.  When reading through Sher's attacks, accusations, insinuations, conspiracy theories, and empty promises....look back at his past performance, and then decide if he is a credible source of information.

Consider his motives for maintaining (and attempting to expand) his power over Cedar Run. Cedar Run is a BUSINESS VENTURE and INCOME SOURCE for the Sher/Shaw family....and a significant one at that.  We will touch on this in greater detail in our full response.  But for now, feel free to look at at all the checks written to Sher from 8/2012 through 6/2013 by clicking HERE.  Or, take a look at lines 12, 13, & 16 of Sher's own budget mailing by clicking HERE.

If you're as fed up as we are with all the conflict that has plagued Cedar Run over the past two years, then please join us in removing the primary cause and instigator of this very conflict.  Please visit our How to Take Action page by clicking HERE, and help us put an end to this nonsense.  Together, we can truly Restore Cedar Run!

VM/Text (224) 544-9058


  1. When are we going to see the response to the newsletters point by point? New master board same as the old one. This new Parking program is the same as the old one but now we have to pay to park. Is anyone here?

  2. Guess they gave up!

    1. You can rest assured that nobody has given up. We are waiting patiently for the courts to levy a decision on the election issue. The Sher group is very good at playing procedural games to delay a decision...this is why it is dragging on so long. We have another blog entry about ready to post within the next few days.
