Monday, June 9, 2014

The Desperate Actions of a Desperate Man

Despite stating in his most recent newsletter that he will be holding his typical "Homeowners' [aka propaganda] meeting" on June 18th, Our friend, Robert Sher has now posted notices on our garage doors that the meeting is now scheduled this Wednesday, Jun 11th.  He is also now calling this an Annual Meeting.


First off, he can call it anything he wants, but it is NOT an annual meeting.  An Annual Meeting of the Members IS AN ELECTION.  You'll see from the agenda of this meeting that it says nothing about an election.  The agenda claims to be focused on budgeting, although it looks more like Sher's typical propaganda.....boasting about accomplishments, making excuses, finger-pointing, etc, etc, etc.

Why is Sher calling this an Annual Meeting?
It's actually quite simple.  Very soon Sher will likely be ordered by a judge to conduct a true annual meeting.  Sher's board has not conducted a single Annual Meeting since taking power nearly two years ago, and the judge has given them until July 2nd come up with a plan to correct this.  Between 2013's and 2014's Annual Meetings, most of the positions on the HOC board should have been up for re-election.  Obviously Sher's livelihood would be at risk if the board were turned over.

By cramming this sudden meeting down our throats and re-branding it as an Annual Meeting, this is just a half-hearted legal tactic.  Expect Sher and Anne Shaw to show up in court on July 2nd and claim to the judge that they already conducted an Annual Meeting and then request that the case be dismissed.  They may even file a Motion to Dismiss a week or two before the court date, which could explain why they want the meeting conducted earlier.

IT WON'T WORK......Here's Why:
  1. An Annual Meeting is an Election, not a budget meeting.  Budget meetings should be in October, just before the start of the Fiscal Year on November 1st.  (FYI, we haven't seen one of those either)
  2. Inadequate Notice.  A properly called Annual Meeting would have notices going out anywhere at least 15 days in advance.  It would also include nomination forms for anyone wishing to run for a position on the board and provide sufficient time for homeowners to send in the nomination forms.  Remember, it's an ELECTION. **UPDATE, SEE BELOW**
  3. Improperly Delivered Notice.  Tacking notices on garage doors is not an acceptable means of delivering official meeting notices.  Postal mail is the proper way.  Courts have ruled consistently this way.  What if an owner lives off-site?  **UPDATE, SEE BELOW**
Bottom line is that Sher is getting very desperate, and he is willing to try every possible shady tactic  to avoid the inevitable election and maintain the steady flow of income he now enjoys. You've seen the check images.  You get the idea.
What to expect at this meeting??
Don't expect an election; that's for sure.  Expect the same power point presentation, spinning the same non-sense as always.  Since the agenda mentions budgets, might we actually see one?  Might we actually see the board conducting its business in the presence of homeowners?  Both of the above are doubtful, but if we see either of them, it will be pure theater.

What to watch out for at this meeting:
Beware of sign-in sheets.  If Sher plans to fudge some paperwork in order to make this meeting look like a real Annual Meeting, he will probably require homeowners to sign in.   The sign-in sheet would be used to show that he has established quorum, which is the minimum number of homeowners who must be present for a proper Annual Meeting.  Again, Quorum won't mean anything in  court because of the above three reasons. But if we can keep the sign-ins at 40 or less, it will make Sher look like an even bigger fool in front of the judge.  Bottom line:  Don't sign in!!

So come to the meeting Wednesday, and come early.  Cedar Run Concerned Homeowner volunteers will be there with clip boards, petitions & proxies that will count toward a REAL election, one we get one.  As always, we will be recording video of the meeting.

Questions, comments?
(224) 544-9058

Don't forget to visit our 'HOW TO TAKE ACTION' page, and our proxy!!

So apparently Sher has suddenly changed the date of this meeting to June 26th, at least according to the sign posted at Cedar Run's entrance.  As of the morning of 6/10/14, the sign said that the Annual Meeting will be on 6/11/14.  By late afternoon, the new date of 6/26 was posted. So in just a few days, the meeting date has changed from 6/18 to 6/11 (re-branded as an Annual Meeting) to now 6/26 (still branded as an Annual Meeting).  Two date changes in three days....sounds like Sher's running a real smooth operation...NOT!!

Why this latest move?  We can only speculate.  Was he advised or scolded by Anne Shaw for for such a pompous idea?  Or perhaps he read this blog and learned that he hadn't called a proper meeting for the 11th.

Dear Robert.........YOU'RE WELCOME!!

In all seriousness, we must wait until notice is delivered.  It should be done by postal mail, and it should be postmarked by 6/11 at the latest.  Assuming that's the case, we'll see if the mailing speaks of a proper annual meeting (i.e. election).....highly doubtful, but still a possibility. 

Please check back to this blog, as new information will be posted when available.


  1. Laughing.....just got a 1 day notice in my door that the June11th meeting is now June 26th......Seems someone is getting nervous.....The village would not need to be called if things were being done in the proper manner.... by the proper people.....the village was called due to the lack of lawn care ( mowing)....concrete not being replaced (when the village gave them a set time).....the pool not be cleaned....ring around the being done on the clubhouse without permits......Now..the lawsuits...homeowners are paying legal fees for both sides.......Mr. Sher and Company have filed many suits also...........Fellow Homeowners-We had a budget that was mailed to us each year from Alma & The Master board showing us how our money was being used.....Mr. Sher & Company has not sent us nothing showing us how our money is being used.......He still owes some of The Phase Banks Money.......and also who is The Master board? Not the people elected in 2012....only Ms. Shaw remains......'Why? We need to find out these answers and be herd

  2. We now got our 15 day notice.........What is next? Still noticing those late nights at the clubhouse....Mr. Sher needs to get everyone of his people on the same the when he goes down...he can blame others.....Sad....

  3. Pool going to open?
