Friday, October 14, 2016

Cedar Run Update: Next Master Board Meeting - 10/19

Cedar Run HOC October Board Meeting
Wednesday 10/19/16 7PM
Cedar Run Clubhouse
The main agenda item for the meeting will be the official adoption of the FY 2017 budget.
  • You'll notice that this meeting is one week later than normal (third Wednesday rather than second Wednesday).
    • This was done to allow sufficient notice to all homeowners regarding the budget.
    • By law, homeowners must receive a copy of the proposed budget at least 30 days before its adoption.
  • There will be NO INCREASE to the HOC monthly assessment fee for FY 2017. It will remain at $125/mo.

Parking Program
In other News, parking registration has begun for those who wish to lease (or renew) a reserved parking space.
  • All owners applying for or renewing their leased parking space must bring proof of their vehicle registrations to the clubhouse.
    • All registrations must be current, and all vehicles must be registered to the owner's Cedar Run address in order to be eligible.
    • You must have at least three vehicles with current registrations to be eligible for a street space.
  • The cost ($120) and rules are mostly unchanged from this last year with one additional compliance requirement:
    • Anyone applying for or renewing a space must also make an appointment to have an HOC employee inspect their garage interior to ensure that it can fit a vehicle.  Photos will be taken and kept on file to document compliance.
      • This inspection requirement is intended to ensure compliance to the existing rule - which states that all owners must first use their garage and driveway space before being granted street parking space.
      • The use of Cedar Run Garages for storage, living space and purposes other than storing a vehicle seems to be quite widespread.

Homeowner Participation
Last, (but definitely not least), please do attend the board meeting and bring all of your questions, comments, and concerns.  There will be a homeowners' session after board business is finished, and homeowners will have a chance to speak.  As always, if you are unable to make the meeting and you would like something addressed, please email us at


  1. when is the new cedar run sign COMING? also the master board has a member stop cheating the parking program this time because we the ''homeowners'' are fed up with it !I suggest a $500.00 dollar fine for those found guilty and revoked from board member or master board we are not blind you no who you are !!!

    1. We also need to do something about owners who provide bogus registration cards to get themselves a street space. You know, like when they use a vehicle registration card from somebody who no longer lives in their unit? Hope they can stop that sort of thing.

      People like that also "no" who they are....

  2. Re: Garage inspections

    I applaud the board for finally taking on this issue. It's going to tick off a lot of people, but it needs to be done. Saying that this problem is "widespread" is probably an understatement. Cedar Run owners have gotten away with this for way too long, and old habits die hard!

    A few questions/comments

    1. If a street space is forfeited because an owner couldn't pass inspection, can that space be reclassified as guest parking?

    2. The HOC employees that will do the inspections (and/or their families) have their own street spaces. I presume some have a garage full of junk too. How do you ensure that they will be as strict on themselves (or their family) as they will with other owners? I would suggest hiring temporary staff that have no affiliation with Cedar Run to do these inspections.

    3. What is to stop an owner from cleaning out their garage just in time to pass an inspection, then piling all their junk back in and keeping it there for another year? Can it be reinspected during the year or only during registration/renewal?

    All things considered, I think this inspection program is a great idea. How successfully it can be implemented is where I have some doubts.

  3. Will we be getting rid of the Clubhouse employees? Also, in agreement that we hire someone outside of Cedar Run to inspect garages and we do need a New Sign ASAP, bus drivers have been complaining about not knowing where Cedar Run is..

    1. There has been no mention of personnel changes. Most likely, that will be addressed after the management decision has been made.

      There will likely continue to be clubhouse office hours and employees working during those hours, at least in the near term. Naturally the employees are needed to handle parking registrations.

      Regarding the sign, this should certainly be brought up at the next board meeting on 11/9.

    2. I think there was some talk at the September meeting about getting bids for a new sign. From what I could tell, the new board members have a lot on their plate and are probably overwhelmed. Stuff like signs might take a back seat for a while as they try and get their bearings. I agree it should be politely mentioned at the next meeting so it is on their radar.

      Maybe some sort of barricade to prevent another car from destroying the sign is possible? That or use the cameras footage to identify who crashed into it and make them pay if it happens again.

      Let's hope they get the new sign in before the ground freezes.
