Staff at Heil, Heil, Smart & Golee have reached out to us and provided some updates on some pertinent issues for Cedar Run
The following information has been quoted and/or paraphrased from the correspondence that we've had with the receiver.
Snow Removal
Clearly an imperfect solution but the only solution until a new board is elected.
Once again please understand that the above information above came directly from HHSG. Any opinions expressed do not represent the opinions of the blog editors or contributors.
We do, however, appreciate the efforts of HHSG to reach out to directly to us to provide this update. Whether it's via this blog or otherwise....whether it's good news or bad news, most homeowners would agree that more communication is desired.
For an official answer to any questions or concerns about the above information, you will need to contact HHSG directly. Posting in the comments section will not guarantee that your question/comment is received or addressed..
The following information has been quoted and/or paraphrased from the correspondence that we've had with the receiver.
Snow Removal
- In light of the precipitation on 12/28, LCM (Landscape Concepts Management) has been instructed to throw salt and to be on standby for downed trees/limbs due to high winds.
Clearly an imperfect solution but the only solution until a new board is elected.
- Towing has begun for specific issues (blocking dumpster, hydrants, yellow curbs). Two cars were towed as of December 22nd.
- We have been calling people that had spots in 2015 but have not reregistered for 2016 to give them a final chance to renew their spot and prevent getting towed.
- Owners who were delinquent on their assessments were not given a parking space for 2016.
- Many people had special “deals” with the Sher/Shaw group, but those have not been continued. Rules are being applied equally to all owners/residents as stated under the existing parking program.
- Starting December 23rd, available spots are being assigned to owners on the waiting list.
- Cars without stickers will start getting towed soon.
- More aggressive parking patrols will begin after the 1st of Jan.
- The goal is not to tow cars but to apply the rules as stated and change behavior.
- ***UPDATE 1/11/2016*** - Towing for vehicles without proper stickers has now begun.
- The FR&R report (aka the Frost report) will be available in Spanish soon.
- The FR&R report is being used to settle outstanding balances for homeowners.
- Numerous owners are now entering the collection process and will be turned over to a collection attorney in early January of 2016 if they haven't made arrangements to settle up by then.
- ***UPDATE 1/11/2016*** - 10 day notices for delinquent owners have now expired. Delinquent owners are being turned over to an attorney for collections.
- The pool is scheduled to be open 28 May thru 4 September.
- Contracts are in place for Life guards and the opening/closing of the pool as well as weekly maintenance.
- Extensive pool repairs are planned for 2016 (signed contracts for the pump room and getting estimates for the pool itself)
- We are working on a new sign for the Cedar Run entrance. The sign was hit in an accident and destroyed.
Once again please understand that the above information above came directly from HHSG. Any opinions expressed do not represent the opinions of the blog editors or contributors.
We do, however, appreciate the efforts of HHSG to reach out to directly to us to provide this update. Whether it's via this blog or otherwise....whether it's good news or bad news, most homeowners would agree that more communication is desired.
For an official answer to any questions or concerns about the above information, you will need to contact HHSG directly. Posting in the comments section will not guarantee that your question/comment is received or addressed..
Everytime that I hear shoveling or plowing I think finally. It always turns out to be in Lexington. not here What is the excuse this time?
ReplyDeleteWe received a forwarded email that originated from the snow removal company. It is certainly no excuse,but it does explain a few things about the complexity of this particular storm.
DeleteEmail us at if you would like a copy.
thank you for the up date noing that we are looking towards opening pool and continuing progress but one problem how is a unit on gee ct only have two vehicles and ''leaves garage open almost every day that allows the truth NOT'' using space for vehicle SUGGESTION THOSE PARKING ON STREET NEED TO ALLOW PARKING ATTENDENT TO HAVE PERMISSION TO SEE THAT THOSE ARE BEING TRUTHFUL OR BE REVOKED AND FINED FOR FALSIFING PARKIG INFO THANK YOU ..HAPPY NEW YEAR
ReplyDeletehomeowners did you ever stop and ask ''WHY'' we pay more for phase management than masterboard that gives us more for the money ? alma & apm must go and have masterboard take over phases one management one payment happy new year
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment, but a few things to note:
DeleteSingle management & single payment is something we have advocated for a long time, and most homeowners agree that it makes the most sense.
The reason we pay more for phase than master board is because the phase bears a greater financial burden. Water bill, building insurance, and building maintenance (which also includes the construction loans) are far greater expenses than the exterior common elements that the Master board maintains.
Finally, the Master board cannot 'take over' a least not legally. This is something Sher thought he could do, and we don't need to tell you how that worked out. Just ask anyone from phases 5 or 10. These are separate associations and always will be. Any future plans we have must take this into consideration.
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ReplyDeleteThis post makes a lot of good sense and for all the money we pay every month Cedar Run does look like a dump. These people who say that they walk the property do not walk very far from the clubhouse. I guess that "out of sight out of mind" is their mantra, Landscaping, snow , ice removal maintainence in the back of the property is lax for sure. Excuses are not answers. Lexington makes us look like trash. Also it seems that there is some kind of competent management over there.
DeletePlease make sure you email or call HHSG for anything that is not being addressed by onsite staff. "Out of sight - out of mind" is one thing, but if there are specific homeowner complaints about a certain part of the property, they're a lot more likely to be held accountable.
DeleteHello, I just moved into cedar run and my roommates and I have no idea how to contact management. The number we received is not valid and it would be great if we can contact the management
ReplyDeleteHello and welcome. There are actually two levels of management. One that deals with concerns about the buildings and another that deals with the exterior common areas (including parking).
DeleteWhich were you looking to contact? Feel free to email us at, and we can provide you with some more information.
What Phase are you in?
Deletewhen do we get the cedar run sign put up?why the pick up truck parked on gray court has no parking tag nor has it moved in 4 months again we honest home owners don't cheat you cheaters are the problem whats up with this judge Garcia still on vacation us tax payers and assessment homeowners what this matter over with stop waisting our money alma zink /sher shaw need to repay cedar run for the damages they have caused after all the president for alma was on pay roll and we all no sher was on pay roll !
ReplyDeleteCall the Receiver and report the vehicle on Gray Court, and ask about the sign and security cameras.I have called on the sign and cameras, and I am still waiting for a response ( I called a week ago). Also, Mr.Zink was being payed to clean the trash up on the grounds of Cedar Run...Not a fun or easy task as some people, sad to say do not care about the property!
DeleteHere here!!! Jack Shaw and Robert Sher need to repay what they have taken. We need to take things a step further and go after Annie Shaw, the lawyer, and have her repay what has been paid to her of our money. We must take action or these thieves will just do it again. Just look at their Yelp reviews for My Place Apartments
DeleteAmen to that!! Especially the part about Anne Shaw.....Robert & Jack are the main culprits, but she is the ENABLER!! Without her, they wouldn't have caused nearly as much damage to this community.
DeleteWhy she should be allowed to practice law after showing such a blatant disregard to the interests of the community in favor of HER FAMILY MEMBERS is incomprehensible.
We should all write separate letters to the appropriate bar association, and maybe that will stop her from standing up for her crooked family members when they have clearly done something wrong. Until their Shenanigans actually hurt her professionally, she will always remain an enabler.
John Zink was payed to pick up the garbage, that other residents threw around. As for The Sher/Shaw gang they should be held responsible for not keeping proper documents on people they hired and for the money they paid themselves, and the list goes on. I would like also to know when we will be getting a new sign and the front security camera fixed. Also, why are they allowing residents to park in parking spaces that are not using their garages and only have 2 vehicles ( yes I have called them on this, no reply back).
DeleteAbout the pick up truck you should call the towing company or let the reciver know. This blog will not help you with that. About people to pay for the dameges the caused I totally agreed with you. Some one will have to pay.
ReplyDeletehome owners tuff luck on getting any money or anyone put in jail both sides are guilty so let the judge Garcia do what we tax payers pay him to do ?
ReplyDeleteAfter reading everything here, all I can say is ...
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that I moved out of Cedar Run and purchased a single dwelling house, and I don't have to deal with all of this property management corruption.
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking in. There hasn't been much activity in the courts with respect to the receivership. We are waiting for the judge to issue something called a Summary Judgement, which will be a major milestone and will lead to the planning of an election shortly thereafter.
DeleteThat Summary judgement was originally scheduled to happen tomorrow (2/16/16), but it appears to be postponed until 2/25. The Sher/Shaw group is fighting desperately to stop this summary from happening, presumably because it appears that it will likely not go their way. As always, they have tried every trick in the book (and will continue to do so) to delay & complicate the case as much as possible while they look for a new strategy to argue their case.
Additionally, the other lawsuit in which Cedar Run is embroiled (the lawsuit over the bank loans) is now going to trial.
DeleteThis came as a shock to many, as it appeared to be headed toward a settlement as recently as December. The trial date is set for mid-April, and we are told that witnesses are currently being deposed.
We are still trying to find answers as to why the case could not be settled and some other issues around that. For example, we would like to know whether Chubb Insurance is still involved and whether they will reimburse the Cedar Run homeowners for any of the funds that had previously been paid to Shaw Legal Services for their part in this case.
those responsible for this should be held accountable for taking money from home owners falsifying documents ,eligal workers not contracted ,with proprr insurance,bonded ,licensed putting us all in harms way the judge has to make it a criminal case and action taken someone has to go to jail and fined and repay complex ! home owners need to be compensated for money paid for repairs and nessesary bills paid ''NOT '' this is a non profit complex all master board members ,phase officers are not to be paid or compensated .