Monday, January 5, 2015

Cedar Run Legal Update - Next Court Date 1/08/2015

A Belated Happy New Year from the Cedar Run Concerned Homeowners!

The next court hearing in the Cedar Run legal saga will take place on 1/08/2015 at 10:30 AM at the Daley Center.  If you haven't read the full summary of the 12/22/2014 hearing, you can do so by clicking HERE (we have updated the information since posting, so do consider a second read even if you've already read it).  To view a transcript of the 12/22 hearing, click HERE.

At the next hearing (1/08/2015), we expect that a receiver will be selected to manage Cedar Run up until the May election.  We also expect there to be much debate over what responsibilities will be delegated to this receiver.  The final word on the receiver's authority will have a major impact on what powers (if any) the current HOC board will retain.

Why the Silence form Sher & Company?
There currently is a 'Stand-still' order in place that forbids Robert Sher or the board from sending or posting any official communication to homeowners (which they violated by posting signs about the 12/22 hearing).  This is why no homeowners have received anything (exception being the posted signs) from the 'Master Board' and/or 'Oversight Committee' (aka Robert Sher).  If history is any indicator, we probably would have been barraged with propaganda by now if this order were not in place.

Board Powers Restricted by the Court
This same stand-still order also restricts or forbids the current board from making payments or entering contracts.  We are still waiting to hear more exact details about this specific item, but it is fairly clear that no payments to board members and/or their families are allowed (which pretty much cuts off the oversight committee - Jack Shaw & Robert Sher).

The judge did acknowledge that the property must be maintained and snow must be removed, even during these legal proceedings.  We see no reason that the court would prevent the board from paying for any of these services.

We will post another legal update as soon as new information rolls in.  Please stay tuned!

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  1. Thanx ?finally a Judge see's the mess this MOnster caused CEDAR RUN the court can suggest Robert to stop sending or going door to door but whats stopping him from calling the homeowners or have someone else do his dirty work ? thanx

    1. Nothing can stop him from lobbying for support. The key thing is that he cannot do so while claiming to have any official role or position of authority over Cedar Run. He would need to explain why his authority was taken away while trying to put a positive spin on his record.

  2. Next court hearing is on the 15th. Hopefully things will be finalized and a receiver will be selected. Stay tuned to the blog for updates.

  3. HI , any up date yet on court ? cedar run going forward on court order to get a receiver to take over ?

    1. Still waiting on details, but it is continued to next week (yes, again!)

      New info will be posted once it is available.

  4. hi ,many homeowners today received an envelope from H.O.C. regarding parking stickers and hang tags ,also in envelope was the new address we the home owners have to send our $125.00 to a Chicago address WHY ? thanx

    1. Many homeowners have received these mailings over the past week. The Chicago address might be a lock box for MB Financial (the HOC's bank), but we don't know for sure.

      These mailings might be a violation of the court's Stand-still order, but we are still waiting for clarification on that.
