Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Cedar Run Parking Policy and HHSG Account Statement

Cedar Run homeowners should have received a mailing from the receiver.  This mailing included two important items:
  1. The new Cedar Run Parking Policy, effective November 1st, 2015.
  2. An updated** account statement.

1.  Parking Policy

You can view the Parking Policy portion of the mailing by clicking HERE.

When read verbatim, the policy requires registration, payment and full compliance by November 1st.  Given that most homeowners likely received this notice on October 26th (only 6 days before-hand), it is highly unlikely that 187 owners will be in full compliance by the effective date.  No information has been released about possible grace periods on parking rule enforcement.

In light of the above, please direct any questions to the receiver and/or clubhouse staff.

2.  Account Statement

Statements prior to this only included balances accrued after HHSG became receiver (March 2015 to present).  This new statement now shows the 'ledger balance'.  The ledger balance includes balances/payments from BEFORE receivership (February 2015 and earlier).  The information used to generate this ledger balance came from the previously mentioned 3000 page accounting report.

**What will NOT be included in this ledger balance is any payment, made in March 2015 or later, that was sent to ANY OTHER payment address other than the one in Los Angeles, CA.  Payments sent to the Wheeling or Chicago addresses are still being reconciled, and it may take a month or two before they are reflected on account statements.

In other news, the next court hearing is on Wednesday, November 4th at 2PM.  There will be multiple issues brought before the court, and hopefully there will be time to address all of them.  The two most prevalent issues are:
  1. The Sher/Shaw motion to strike the accounting report.
  2. Determining whether or not Shaw Legal Services should be paid (with homeowner funds) for any of their efforts AFTER we were put in receivership.
This should be an interesting one........................

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Cedar Run (Quick) Legal Update - 9/21 Transcript & Receiver's Report

As previously mentioned in the comments section of the blog, the last court hearing on 9/21 was a significant one.  The long-awaited financial report from the accounting firm is now complete, and it has been submitted to the court.

It's at least 3000 pages long!!!  

The Sher/Shaw group is objecting to the report, presumably because it contains information that they don't want Cedar Run homeowners to see.  They have filed a 'motion to strike' the report, and they are hoping to convince the judge to essentially void or invalidate it.

You can view that motion (as prepared by Ms. Caryn Shaw) by clicking HERE.

The motion includes the Table of Contents from the actual report (Exhibit B)....which should give you a general idea of what information the report contains.  They (very conveniently) make little reference to the actual contents of the report.....because referencing certain content would require them to include it as an exhibit, which would make it viewable to the public.  They are putting forth tremendous efforts to keep us from seeing this report.

We'll delve further into the details in our next blog entry, but for now:
  • You can view a transcript of the 9/21 hearing by clicking HERE
  • You can view the fifth receiver's report by clicking HERE
(note: Both include a significant development regarding the parking program - a topic that has received much discussion in this blog's comments section)