In our last blog post on 4/24, we described an invoice that Robert Sher and Jack Shaw submitted to the receiver. They demanded immediate payment of $17,654.64 plus ongoing monthly payments of $5881.88 until the year 2020.
We now have a copy of this invoice available for all to read. Click HERE to view it.
Same Old, Same Old
In full accordance with the Robert Sher playbook, this 2.5 page 'invoice' contains about 2.4 pages of self-aggrandizing rhetoric (complete with atrocious grammatical errors) and just a few lines that (poorly and vaguely) describe what services are being billed.
Among this rhetoric, you'll find the following:
The Worst of it All
The most disturbing thing in this entire letter is the mention of an agreement. This agreement allegedly binds the Cedar Run HOC (aka 'Master Board') to keep Robert Sher and Jack Shaw on the payroll for a total of 8 years! This 8 year agreement/contract was presented in court on 5/5 as evidence, and it is now a public document.
Click HERE to view it. We STRONGLY encourage you to read this agreement in its entirety.
We now have a copy of this invoice available for all to read. Click HERE to view it.
Same Old, Same Old
In full accordance with the Robert Sher playbook, this 2.5 page 'invoice' contains about 2.4 pages of self-aggrandizing rhetoric (complete with atrocious grammatical errors) and just a few lines that (poorly and vaguely) describe what services are being billed.
Among this rhetoric, you'll find the following:
- Sher still blames everything on his predecessors (Alma and previous board). Here we go again....
- Claiming $600,000 in savings. Questionable math, including $161,000 in SPENDING is listed as a 'savings'.
- Still blames the attorney (Bloomberg) for his ouster. Complete denial that he has done anything unlawful or improper to cause the court to take action.
- Still touting conspiracy theories about the financing of the legal case against him. We're surprised he mentioned nothing about Germans being involved.
- Still clambering on about his supposed $65/month assessment plan. Chastises the receiver for not implementing it.
The Worst of it All
The most disturbing thing in this entire letter is the mention of an agreement. This agreement allegedly binds the Cedar Run HOC (aka 'Master Board') to keep Robert Sher and Jack Shaw on the payroll for a total of 8 years! This 8 year agreement/contract was presented in court on 5/5 as evidence, and it is now a public document.
Click HERE to view it. We STRONGLY encourage you to read this agreement in its entirety.
On 5/5/2015, the judge held a special hearing to determine if Sher/Shaw were entitled to payment. Jack Shaw made a personal appearance in court, hoping to justify his demand for payment. After reviewing the contract, the judge denied Sher's/Shaw's request for $17,654.64 in payment. He also expressed doubt in the enforceability of such an agreement. We will provide more details on the judge's remarks after the court transcript becomes available.
The are so many things wrong with this agreement----so many that we will devote an entire future blog post to them. Arguably, this agreement is even more outrageous than the bogus Bylaws that led to Sher's ouster.
It's a completely on-sided contract, signed only by members of the Sher/Shaw clan, that ties our association into an unbreakable agreement with Robert Sher & Jack Shaw.
noun nep·o·tism \ˈne-pə-ˌti-zəm\
: the unfair practice by a powerful person of giving jobs and other favors to relatives
The only signature on this contract representing the HOC board is that of Barbara Shaw. It is doubtful that any of the other board members knew about or had any say in the decision to enter the association into such a one-sided, unbreakable agreement. Even the Bogus Bylaws have four signatures on them (still not a quorum of board members, but better than just one who happens to be a FAMILY MEMBER of the other party).
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(224) 544-9058