By now, Cedar Run homeowners have likely received a letter from Robert Sher. This is the first correspondence we've received from him since the HOC went into receivership. In case you haven't gotten yours yet, you can view it
Robert Sher's desperation really shows through in this letter. This letter is very reminiscent of the multitude of so-called "newsletters" that Sher has produced over the past two years. According to this letter and the past newsletters:
- Everything Sher has done has been perfect, despite all the odds stacked against him
- Anything that has gone wrong is the fault of someone else (former board, banks, lawyers, Alma, etc.)
- Anyone who would dare oppose Sher is demonized
Major Points from the Letter:
$65/month HOC assessment
This is Robert's big attention-getting headline. He claims that he would have reduced the HOC assessments (starting on January of 2015) from $125 to $65 per month if he hadn't removed from power. Just as he was about to roll out this major reduction in assessments, the court stepped in and took away his authority to make it happen.
Isn't it interesting that he would choose make this reduction starting in January 2015 when the fiscal year had begun in November of 2014? Isn't it also strange that this is the first we are hearing of such a planned reduction? Why wasn't he hyping this for months leading up to its effective date per his normal routine?
Answer: Because it's another LIE to try and paint Sher as the savior of Cedar Run. Before taking power, Sher sent postcards to Cedar Run homeowners (see below) that claimed, with their vote, he would cut your entire assessment payment IN HALF while maintaining the same level of services. Today, our assessments are higher than they were in 2012, and services have been at an all-time low. Does anyone really believe this $65/mo claim given Sher's track record?
Bylaws and Elections
Sher fails to elaborate, but he claims that the Bogus 2012 Bylaws and his failure to conduct elections have nothing to do with his ouster. Anyone who has read through the court order and read the judge's comments from the court transcripts would know that the Bogus Bylaws played a major role (arguably as much or more than the elections) in the judge's decision. As for elections, the entire counter-suit that resulted in receivership NEVER would have happened if Sher had conducted elections as required by law. He blatantly disobeyed state law and our true governing documents, which the Judge could clearly see.
What is Sher's explanation of why Judge Garcia ruled the way he did? When can we see this explanation in writing?
In the letter, Sher refers to a website to chronicle his successes. Administration of this website, per the court order, must go to the receiver. In addition to Sher's propaganda, this website contains conflicting payment information, and it STILL shows the Bogus Bylaws. Is Sher not cooperating with the receiver and handing over the rights to control this website?
It's All About Robert
The letter is filled with statements like, "
I created....savings." and "
I reduced assessments". This further reaffirms our point that Robert Sher ruled over the board and not the other way around. For anything he touts as a success, he takes all the credit for himself. Yet, while still in power, he sent out newsletters that contained personal attacks and racial rhetoric, and he signed these letters as being from, 'The Master Board'. He did this despite multiple board members stating, at a meeting, that they did not approve of such rhetoric.
A dictator, by an other name (like 'oversight committee chair'), is still a dictator.
Conspicuous Omissions
What's equally important is what Robert Sher didn't say in this letter when touting his accomplishments over the past two years. First, he continues to dodge around the point that he and Jack Shaw were both paid a handsome least $60K/year between the two of them. It took a subpoena and several courageous homeowners handing out check images to get Sher to even acknowledge being on the payroll. Sher continues to point to his efforts as purely humanitarian, when we can clearly see that he had a vested interest in maintaining his paid position. He WAS being paid; now he is NOT; and he is hellbent on getting his job back.
Second, Sher failed to mention all the lawsuits that were spurred by his foolish and impulsive decisions. One of these lawsuits (Best Trees vs Cedar Run) is featured on an informational website about association living. Click
HERE for the story and click
HERE for the official appeals court ruling. This is a
NATIONAL website, and they chose Cedar Run (under Sher's leadership) as a case study on poor, costly, emotionally driven decisions.
Bottom Line
We knew Robert Sher would not go away quietly. Despite his adamant proclamations that he has done everything legally and properly, he was removed from power for acting
ILLEGALLY. Yet, our disgraced and now powerless 'oversight committee chair' is desperately trying to claw his way back into power.
Since the receiver has stepped in, things have been relatively uneventful and (dare we say) peaceful in Cedar Run. While there are still several open issues that need the receiver's attention, homeowners appear to be content with how things are running in Cedar Run. This is probably Robert Sher's greatest fear.....that homeowners might be happier without him in power - that they might be happy enough with the current arrangement to consider keeping it that way (i.e. being professionally managed). This is why he concocted the $65/month story - to try and convince homeowners that they are missing out on something great, that
ONLY HE can deliver.
It's getting ugly, folks. It will probably get uglier before it's finally over.
Stay tuned for a future blog posts that will take an in-depth look at the claims and promises made by Sher and their subsequent results.
Please do email us at, call or text the hotline at
(224) 544-9058, or use the comment sections of the blog for any questions, comments, or concerns.