Thursday, July 10, 2014

Property Taxes

To all Cedar Run Homeowners:

By now, you should have received your second tax bill for your 2013 property taxes.  Most likely, you'll notice something about this's very low!!  We've had homeowners report bills as much as anywhere from $200-$300, and some even got a bill for $0!!

If your second installment tax bill looks like any of the above, this is likely because your Phase Association appealed your property taxes on your behalf.

Your phase board retained a law firm specializing in tax appeals (Worsek & Vihon, LLP).  They appealed to both the County Assessor and the Cook County Board of Review to maximize your savings.

Wondering how much they saved you?

Your first installment for 2013 was for 55% of your total tax bill.  So your second installment should have been about 82% of that amount.

Example using typical numbers:
John Q. Homeowner received the following  tax bills:
1st installment:  $950
2nd installment: $270

Without the appeal, Mr. Homeowner should have received a second installment bill for $777.27.  Therefore, he saved $507.21, thanks to this tax appeal.

Now, how does that compare to the $120 per year that Robert Sher boasts about saving you??

(224) 544-9058

Tell us how  what your tax bill looked like!